Complainces Management

We don't wait for the trends to dictate our strategies; instead, we create trends and opportunities to take greater control over the market.

Complainces Management

Ignorance is not an excuse. With the expansion of an enterprise or organization, in terms of geographies and functions, has made it difficult to track and monitor compliances. Non- compliances come along with heavy fines and even jail term for the senior management which will have negative impact on reputation of business. Hence, it is a necessity to have a tool to help you track and monitor your compliances. Every organization is adhered by law and have to comply with statutory, regulatory or internal compliances, laws, regulations, etc. Sutra is a Compliance Management Software which gives you an overall view of your compliances and acts as a risk mirror for your organization. There are effective, real time dashboards showing compliance health of your organization at one glance, helps you generate reports and graphs for to seniors and Management.

Complainces Management

  • Compliance Creation – Yearly/ Monthly/Qtrly/Customised
  • Compliance Assignment
  • Compliance Activity
  • Compliance Follow-up with History
  • Compliance Dashboard